To prepare for any English Proficiency tests, we need abundant practice materials to get familiar with the test format and question types. The Pearson Test of English is no exception. Yes, there are countless practice questions in the market that PTE takers can find with just a simple click.
The PTE Practice – TADE Hub wants to share more PTE practice questions to help your preparation, there are 70 Practice questions free of charge for your practice, including the following question types.
Part 1: Describe Image
Part 1. Summarize Written Text
Part 1: Write Essay
Part 2: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer
Part 2: R Fill in the Blanks
Part 2: Reorder Paragraphs
Part 2: Multiple Choice, Single Answer
Each item type has ten questions and sample answers to that question. We designed it in a PDF file that you can access here: “FREE PTE Practice questions”.
Why don’t we have practice questions for other item types? If you notice, all the above question types have text on the screen for you to answer. The question types are not in that list because they are listening questions that we cannot put in a PDF file. Part 2: R&W Fill in the Blanks is an exception as it’s much more effective to practice on the PTE Practice Platform. PTE takers have to click each blank to fill in the answer, so we cannot take images of each blank as it will be difficult for you to practice.
In case you don’t know how to deal with some specific questions, you can always refer to our Tips & Strategies page to learn unique and effective strategies to face all question types successfully.
If you want to practice thousands of practice questions and receive instantly detailed feedback after submitting your answer besides sample answers to all Writing and Speaking question types. You can visit the PTE Practice Website and experience all the benefits.
If you practice a Part 1: Write Essay question, you will see questions and sample answers as follows:
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We provide detailed sample answers for your study. From this sample answer, PTE takers can learn new ideas, vocabulary, and how they should transition by using linking words from one key point to another in order to deliver coherent writing.
Regarding instantly detailed feedback, we evaluate your answers based on the same grading elements as what Pearson uses to access your skills including Content, Coherence, Grammar, Vocabulary, Form, and Linguistic Range. We designed instant feedback similar to the actual test’s grading system in order to create the best simulation for your preparation. From instantly detailed feedback for all PTE Academic questions, PTE takers are able to learn from their mistakes and advance their scores every day.
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On the PTE Practice Platform, there are thousands of practice questions besides tons of 2-hour mock tests similar (99%) to the actual PTE Academic tests for your preparation, including the following benefits:
Thousands of practice questions;
Tons of Full 2-hour tests;
Same grading elements as Pearson;
Instantly detailed feedback for all question types;
Three supportive vocab lists;
And so many other self-study supporting features.
Simply take a visit to the PTE Practice Website, create your FREE account and experience everything for FREE!
We hope you achieve your PTE Academic scores as soon as possible.