This item type is one of the easiest ones to get points in both the PTE Academic and PTE Core as long as test-takers completely concentrate on the audio recordings and click on every word that differs from the audio. However, in order to do that, we also need to practice day after day to train our minds for focus. In this article, we will share a unique strategy along with tips to help you improve your concentration while dealing with this item type.
Fundamental information
Task: PTE takers listen to an audio and highlight words in the transcript on the screen that differ from what is said
Prompt length: 15-50 seconds
Recommended timer: 90 seconds for both PTE Academic and PTE Core
Frequency: 2-3 questions
Skills assessed: Listening and Reading
When it comes to the PTE Academic, did you know that in Part 3: Listening, we have 30-43 minutes to face all eight item types? Only Summarize Spoken Text has a specific timer of 10 minutes for each question, the rest of the question types do not. So why do we have 90 seconds here?
Time Management strategy is genuinely essential in order to complete all questions in Part 3: Listening, so we did research to recommend specific timers for each item type, which helps PTE takers easily manage their time while taking the test. We wholeheartedly recommend test-takers explore our Time Management Strategy first to understand why we have these timers. Since you comprehend everything, it will be a piece of cake to put them into practice, and further, achieve your desired scores.
A unique step-by-step strategy
If test-takers read other strategies in our blog, they know that all strategies we developed are based on how each item type is graded by Pearson. It’s simple, we have to follow Pearson’s rules in evaluating our skills, so we can get the highest score possible. The strategy for this Part 3: Highlight Incorrect Words is no exception. In this item type, PTE takers get one point for each correct word that differs from the audio they listen to. If they pick an incorrect word, one point will be deducted. As a result, we need to be really careful in dealing with this item type, otherwise, there will be no scores left.
Step 1: Skim through the text
In the ten preparation seconds, we need to skim through the text to get the general idea. By doing so, we may identify some incorrect words, which do not fit into the contextual meaning of the passage.
Here is our sample question, Question number 1 Part 3: Highlight Incorrect Words on the PTE Practice Website. PTE takers can try it for free.
cre: TADE Hub
What is the general idea that you see from the above sample question? To us, the text shares "how ChatGPT is able to help human beings make better decisions through systematic analysis of data. At the end of the day, human beings still have to make their decision based on ChatGPT’s advice."
Kindly bear in mind that if you cannot get the general idea in the ten preparation seconds, it is no problem at all. This is only a backup plan in case test-takers aren’t able to highlight the incorrect words while listening to the audio. Nevertheless, it’s much better if you have a general idea as it would be truly helpful in identifying words that you miss while listening because, sometimes, the audio plays so fast that we couldn’t catch up with it.
Timer Recommendation: 10 seconds before the audio starts. Once the recording starts, please completely focus on listening and identifying incorrect words by following our next instruction.
Step 2: Follow the text with the cursor as you listen
This step is the key player in pointing out all incorrect words, and test-takers only need to follow the text with the cursor while listening to help them completely focus on the text.
cre: TADE Hub
When you move the cursor at any word, which is different from the speech, then you need to click on that word immediately. For instance, when we move the cursor to the word “idea”, but the speech says “model”, then we know it’s an incorrect word.
In the course of the playing of the audio, PTE takers must completely concentrate on the speech and follow the text with care in order not to miss any incorrect words. Do not underestimate it, it’s not that easy to focus for a period of time, test-takers need to practice repeatedly every day to reach the master level of concentration. Otherwise, potentially, we will be missing incorrect words that we don’t even realize.
Timer Recommendation: As we already know the maximum length of the audio is 50 seconds, which is also the longest length we may spend in this step. Once the audio is completed, move on to the next step because we cannot replay it.
Step 3: Review the text again
The audio is up to 50 seconds, and we recommend PTE takers spend around 90 seconds for each Part 3: Highlight Incorrect Words question, thus, we have at least 40 seconds left to review the text again.
Why do we need this step?
In a few words, we simply utilise the rest of the timer to quickly check the text if we are able to identify any incorrect words. The clues could be wrong contextual meanings or wrong grammatical structures.
To illustrate, let’s assume that test-takers didn’t notice the incorrect word “idea” when they listened to the audio. However, after the first step of identifying the general idea, we all know that the text talks about ChatGPT and how it is able to help people make better decisions. As a result, “idea” could not be at the place, it has to be another word, for example, “model”.
Of course, everything at this stage is just analysed based on available data, and we cannot listen to the audio again to confirm it. Consequently, PTE takers need to be careful in making decisions, or we will lose scores for each incorrect highlight.
Timer Recommendation: Most of the time, once the recording is finished, PTE takers move along immediately because they strongly believe in your skills and answers to save time for the next questions. You can do that as well. Nevertheless, if you think you need to double-check your answers and feel there may be other incorrect words, then you should utilise the next few seconds to do so.
Things to avoid
Taking notes: There is no need to do so as while listening to the audio recording, we can immediately click on incorrect words. Taking notes just makes it much harder to follow the audio, which will surely lead to lower scores.
Highlighting unsure words: We already explained how this question type is graded. You get points if you highlight words correctly, and you lose points if you highlight words incorrectly. Accordingly, be mindful of picking words and skip ones that you are not sure about.
Practice makes perfect!
Live-interactive PTE Practice Website
Welcome to the PTE Practice Website offering thousands of practice questions besides instantly detailed feedback for your improvement. In detail, after practising any item type, the PTE Practice Website provides feedback right away. Students can check it and learn from their mistakes to not commit similar ones on their next try. For example, this is sample feedback for Part 3: Highlight Incorrect Words.
cre: TADE Hub
For each correctly highlighted word, you get one point. On the contrary, if there is any incorrectly highlighted word, you will be deducted one point. We evaluate your answers the same as what Pearson does to judge your skills.
If it’s a Part 1: Write Essay, we will be providing you feedback based on Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary, Coherence and Linguistic Range, which are the grading aspects that Pearson uses to judge your skills. Therefore, always be thorough in reviewing our feedback, learning from your own mistakes if any, and trying not to make similar mistakes again.