Time Management is indeed a game-changer skill, especially when it comes to taking the Pearson Test of English Academic and Core because we have limited time to complete each question type.
The PTE Academic includes three main parts, with a total of 20 different question types, while the PTE Core has 19 item types. PTE takers can review this comparison between PTE Academic and PTE Core for a better understanding. We will be exploring a specific timer for each question type, so test-takers can manage the whole test efficiently and aim for the highest score possible. Hence, make sure to follow our guide and apply it to practice properly to win this challenging game.
Part 1: Speaking and Writing โ 54-67 minutes
Almost every question type in this part is given a specific timer for completion, and we simply follow it to complete each question before moving to the next.
Each question type appears several times in each test, and the timer is for each question.
Question type 1: Read Aloud (6-7 questions) โ 70 seconds including 35 preparation seconds and 35 seconds to read aloud;
Question type 2: Repeat Sentence (10-12 questions) โ 15 seconds;
Question type 3: Describe Image (3-4 questions) โ 65 seconds including 25 preparation seconds and 40 seconds to speak;
Question type 4: Re-tell Lecture - PTE Academic (1-2 questions) โ 50 seconds including 10 preparation seconds and 40 seconds to speak;
Question type 4: Respond to a Situation- PTE Core (1-2 questions) โ 60 seconds including 20 preparation seconds and 40 seconds to speak;
Question type 5: Answer Short Question (5-6 questions) โ 10 seconds;
Question type 6: Summarize Written Text (1-2 questions) โ 10 minutes;
This section lasts for 29-30 minutes but the Pearson doesnโt set specific timers for each question type, which makes it a bit harder to manage our time to answer all questions within the given time, far less answer them correctly. Thus, itโs surely imperative to divide the given time into a specific timer for each question type in order to manage our time properly for not miss any questions. Luckily enough, it is also what Pearson recommends students to practice individual item types. Let's check some item types that Pearson and we have the same recommendations for you.
Example 1: Part 2: R - Fill in the Blanks
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Example 2: Part 2: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer
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Example 3: Part 3: Fill in the Blanks (check time recommendations for other item types right below)
PTE Practice - TADE Hub
For your reference, this unique time management strategy is recommended after many days of research from the Academic Team at TADE Hub based on the following criteria:
Type of question: For example, if there is similar content in Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and Multiple Choice, Single Answer then Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer always needs more time because we need to pick at least 2 correct options instead of one in Multiple Choice, Single Answer;
The length of the question: How many words are in a text question, or how many seconds are in an audio question also decide the timer for each question. The longer the text or audio, the more time we need;
Question diversity and frequency: Part 3 has eight different question types, while Part 2 only has five. Furthermore, the frequency of each question type is a bit different aside from the total timer we have for each part, which is also a major key to recommend a specific timer for your preparation.
Please note that, in our Live-interactive PTE Practice Platform, students can pick any question types they want to practice with our strategically recommended timers. Nonetheless, when it comes to taking the 2-hour mock test, there are section timers for Part 2 and Part 3, unlike Part 1 we also have specific timers for each question type as we shared above, to simulate the PTE Academic and PTE Core for your best results.
Each question type appears several times in each test, and the timer is for each question.
Question type 8: R&W: Fill in the Blanks (5-6 questions) โ 2.5 minutes;
Question type 10: Re-order Paragraphs (2-3 questions) โ 2.5 minutes;
Question type 11: R: Fill in the Blanks (4-5 questions) โ 2 minutes;
Question type 12: Multiple Choice, Single Answer (1-2 questions) โ 2.5 minutes;
Our time management strategy is developed based on research that it's the timer PTE takers should spend on answering each question individually. Nevertheless, in the actual tests, students need to be a bit more flexible and pay close attention to the overall timer in order to manage their time properly. To illustrate, we have around 30 minutes for the whole Part 2: Reading, if students answer the first R&W: Fill in the Blanks question, they know that they need to finish it when the timer passes to 27:30 minutes (2.5 minutes already passed). We do the same until we complete all questions. Of course, from time to time, PTE takers need a bit more time to complete one question, it's okay as long as it's still in your management.
Part 3: Listening โ 30-43 minutes
Part 3: Listening is the same as Part 2: Reading, the Pearson doesnโt set specific timers for each question type; thus, our Academic team here created a unique time management strategy to help students manage the overall time for each question type properly. When test-takers practice on the PTE Practice Platform, all timers are displayed on the top right-hand corner of your practice space. Therefore, make sure to pay close attention to it so you can get used to all timers and get higher scores on your test day.
Each question type appears several times in each test, and the timer is for each question.
Question type 17: Multiple Choice, Single Answer (1-2 questions) โ 2.5 minutes;
Question type 18: Select Missing Word (1-2 questions) โ 2 minutes;
Question type 19: Highlight Incorrect Words (2-3 questions) โ 1.5 minutes;
Question type 20: Write from Dictation (3-4 questions) โ 30 seconds;
The following table summarises the specific timers for each question type, all timers include time to answer and preparation time if any. For example, 60 seconds for each Respond to a Situation in the PTE Core includes 20 seconds of preparation and 40 seconds to speak.
cre: TADE Hub
To recapitulate, if we want to get the highest score possible, we need an adequate amount of time to answer each question. That being said, there is no way but to manage the given time properly even in our preparation period to get ourselves ready for test day. Wait no more but visit our Live-interactive PTE Practice Platform forthwith to put our researched recommendations to practice.
Live-interactive PTE Practice Platform
This platform simulates all PTE Academic question types, and of course, it's also for your PTE Core Preparation. With a Premium account, PTE takers have the following benefits:
Thousands of practice questions;
At least 10 Full 2-hour mock tests with scores;
Same grading elements as Pearson;
Instant feedback for all question types;
Fast Support;
Integrated dictionary;
03 supportive vocab lists (not for FREE users).
This is a feedback sample of a Re-tell Lecture question that the PTE Practice Platform evaluates users' answers based on Content, Oral Fluency, and Pronunciation.
cre: TADE Hub
Feel free to review this video guide on how to use the PTE Practice Platform in pursuing your PTE desired scores.
With a FREE account, users can experience all feedback and see how the platform helps improve their scores. Stop here for a while and visit our PTE Practice Platform immediately.